2020 – 2045: 25 Critical Years for Human life on Earth

This book is about information.

Our Planet Earth is on a disaster collision course. We are destroying, contaminating  and over-using our natural resources. Polluting and overfishing the oceans. Our  agricultural policies are driving animals, insects, plants and birds to extinction. We are even killing ourselves by polluting the very air that we breathe.

Montreal-Kyoto-Paris-Madrid Conferences that come and go where most of the world’s governments agree to implement modest measures to curb greenhouse gas emissions. The reality is, that today, global warming is increasing at an accelerating rate. Each of the following chapters contain information that is not normally available to most readers. This is essential reading to enable us to fully understand the present situation and to be better prepared for the future.

Each chapter is divided into two parts.

Part One:

Where the present situation of each issue is described. The information is based on expert and scientific opinion on each topic.

Part One:

Where the present situation of each issue is described. The information is based on expert and scientific opinion on each topic.

Part Two:

This section contains the author’s description of possible future scenarios based on the information included in the chapter’s first part.

Part Two:

This section contains the author’s description of possible future scenarios based on the information included in the chapter’s first part.

The State of the Planet Earth in 2045 

The State of the Planet Earth in 2045 

The State of the Planet Earth in 2045 

This is the last chapter. It is a collection of predictions, describing some possible scenarios for our world in 2045.


Following are some sub-titles for articles included in each of the nine chapters


The Global Drinking Water Situation

First part

Cape Town – Sao Paulo – Beijing – Cairo – London – Chennai – Groundwater – California – Orgalla. Mexico City. India. Tap Water. Bottled Water. Desalinated Water. Fracking.

Second part

The 2032 Kansas Groundwater Failure – The 2035 US Agricultural Export Ban – Mexico City Disaster 2038-Indian Groundwater Dry – up 2037- Bottled Water 2040 – Missouri River Pipelines 2042


Greenhouse Gasses.

What they are, what their Sources are and their global Effect

First part

Carbon Dioxide CO2 – Coal Mining Industry – Building Bricks-The Cement Industry – German Coal Industry – Motor Vehicles-Aircraft – Ships – Methane CH4 – Natural Gas Leakage – Nitrous Oxide N2O – Flourinated CFC Gasses – Global Warming Potential Index – Artic vortex.

Second part

Portugal 2030, European Citizens First movement.

Hurricane Jonas’s destruction of New York City, 2039.


Global Warming, melting Ice and Sea Level rise

First part

Ocean Warming – Arctic Ice – Greenland – Antarctica – Glaciers – Himalayas – Gangotri Glacier – Quelccaya Ice Cap – Iceland’s Okjokcull Glacier – Microplastic Ice Pollution –  Bacteria living in Ice

Second part

United Nations 2035. Sea Level Conference – Big Greenland Meltdown 2039/40 – United Nations 2040 – Sea Level Rise



The Plastic Situation

First part

History – non – biodegradable – types of plastic – PET – HDPE – Microplastics – PVC – Plastic Bottles in the Ocean – Pacific Ocean Lifestyles – Ocean Garbage Patches – Diapers – Mediterranean Sea – Microplastics – PVC – Plastic Content in Children. 

Second part

Plastic Bottles 2031 – Ocean Garbage Patches 2035 – Medical Journal Report 2040

Microplastics.The Plastic Situation


Deforestation, Destruction of habitat

First part

Mass Extinction of Wildlife-Indonesia – Palm Oil – Amazon Region – Cotton – Chopsticks – Plant, Tree, Bird and Insect Extinction – Herbicide Resistant Weeds – Global Soil Erosion – Food Diversity.

Palm oil. Deforestation, Destruction of habitat
Plant and Tree Extinction.Deforestation, Destruction of habitat

Second part

Asian Rice Famine 2036/38 – Insects 2035 – Global Beef Consumption 2038.

Insect Extinction.Deforestation, Destruction of habitat


Air, Land, River and Ocean Pollution

First part

Destruction of Marine Life – Overfishing – Lost Containers – Cigarette Butts – Polluted rivers – Ganges – Citarum – Matanza Riachuuelo – Mississippi – Gulf of Mexico Dead Zone – Air Pollution – Urban air Pollution – Sparrows

Overfishing. Air, Land, River and Ocean Pollution
Urban air Pollution

Second part

Japanese Fisherman 2031 – Ocean Pollution 2031

Plastics in fish


Out of Control Global Consumption

First part

Earth Overshoot Day – Self – Storage-The Fashion Industry – International Tourism – Planned Obsolescence – Food and Drink – Food Wastage – Pets – Consumerism feeds on Itself

Out of Control Global Consumption
Self-Storage. Out of Control Global Consumption. Storage wars

Second part

United Nations Conference on Consumer Spending, Moscow 2032 – United Nations Conference, Beijing 2033 – United Nations Conference, Nairobi 2034 – Labelling

Conference. Out of Control Global Consumption​


The Global Unemployment Crisis

First part

War, Pandemics and Immigration – Retail Banking-AI Financial Transactions – Self -drive Vehicles – Artificial Intelligence AI – Spanish Meat packing Plant – Robots – Global Coal Mining – Global fishing Industry


Second part

Betty Sue Johnson, Wisconsin 2032-Transport Sector 2030 – Flight Magazine 2032 – Container Sizes 2041 – Transport Control Centre 2035 – Domestic Servants – Clean-up Gangs – Automated McDonalds – Taxation

container sizes transport Sector


The State of the Planet Earth in 2045

Extreme Weather – Global Warming opens – up uninhabited Regions – Global CO2 Index – Melting Glaciers affect River Volumes – Sea Level Rise – Ocean Garbage Patches – Mediterranean Sea – Holidays and Tourism – Chopsticks – Unemployment – Survival Consumption – Future Prospects – Covid-19

cov-19 The State of the Planet Earth in 2045


About us

Alan Michael Profile

Alan Michael Rogers

Born in Caracas, Venezuela 1975. All his life he has been a person driven by curiosity and creativity. He worked for many years in a pharmaceutical laboratory in the marketing and sales departments. Last 12 years living in Madrid, Spain and has been involved in several ecological projects such as The EcoBotellas Project and BotBrik, looking for a solution for the single-use plastic bottle environmental problem. Has patented several inventions. He loves writing short stories and quotes. Won a writing award at university. His other hobbies are reading, gardening and collecting quotes. He currently works teaching executives English. He truly believes in making a better world.

Alan Charles Profile

Alan Charles Rogers

Born in Manchester where he graduated as a Mechanical/ Production Engineer. He is creative and a problem solver. Worked for 3 years a tourist travel guide in European German speaking countries. Spent winters in Berlin and Vienna. Hitch-hiked from Manchester to Cape Town. One year working in Zambia. One year in Rio de Janeiro. More than 30 years in Venezuela. Was owner of a printing company and several other businesses. Past 12 years living in Madrid. Mineral water production experience in Spain. Has patented several inventions connected to plastic bottles to make them more environmentally friendly.